John Fishback's 2001 Spring and Summer Schedule:
Find the event you want to sign-up for. Then use the on-line sign-up form to enter your information. Print the form and send it to John with a check.

Date Event Time
19th - Monday Native American Nature Class at Adelphi 9:30 AM -1 PM
24th -Saturday Native American Nature Class at John's house 1 - 4 PM
26th - Monday Native American Nature Class at Adelphi 9:30 AM -1 PM
3rd Saturday morning Yellow Perch fishing at Wye River: John's house 7 AM - 12 PM
3rd - Saturday afternoon Drum Making Class at John's house 2 - 5 PM
10th Saturday morning Yellow Perch fishing at Wye River: John's house 7 AM - 12 PM
17th Saturday morning Catfish & Perch at local river: John's house 7AM - 12 PM
24th Saturday morning Catfish & Perch at local river: John's house 7AM - 12 PM
26th to 30th Week-long Camp: John at Valley Mill Spring Break Camp in Montgomery County 9 AM - 4 PM
31st - Saturday Trout opening day at Severn Run: John's house 7AM - 12 PM
1st Sunday Paintball Days at John's house 2 - 5 PM
7th - Saturday morning Severn River Kayaking at John's house 8AM - 12 noon
7th - Saturday afternoon Paintball Day at John's house 1-4PM
9th to 13th Week-long Camp: John at Valley Mill Spring Break Camp in Montgomery County 9 AM - 4 PM
14th - Saturday afternoon Drum Making Class at John's 2 - 5 PM
14th - Saturday morning Potomac River Fishing at John's 7 AM - 12PM
15th Sunday afternoon Paintball Days at John's house 2 - 5 PM
16th - Monday Native American Nature Class at Patuxent Wildlife Refuge 10 AM - 1PM
18th -Wednesday Native American Nature Class at Patapsco State Park 9AM - 12 noon
22nd - Sunday afternoon South River Kayaking at John's house 2 - 6 PM
23rd - Monday Native American Nature Class at Patuxent Wildlife Refuge 10 AM - 1PM
25th -Wednesday Native American Nature Class at Patapsco State Park 9AM - 12 noon
28th - Saturday morning Trout fishing, Severn Run at John's house 7 AM - 12 noon
29th - Sunday afternoon Paintball Days at John's house 2 - 5 PM
30th - Monday Native American Nature Class at Patuxent Wildlife Refuge 10 AM - 1PM
2nd - Wednesday Native American Nature Class at Patapsco State Park 9 AM - 12 PM
7th - Monday Native American Nature Class at Patuxent Wildlife Refuge 10 AM - 1 PM
9th - Wednesday Native American Nature Class at Patapsco State Park 9 AM - 12 PM
12th - Saturday Upper Patuxent River Float Down at John's house 9 AM - 1 PM
14th - Monday Native American Nature Class at Patuxent Wildlife Refuge 10 AM - 1 PM
16th - Wednesday Native American Nature Class at Patapsco State Park 9 AM - 12 PM
19th - Saturday Severn Run to River Road Paddle trip at John's house 9 AM - 5 PM
20th - Sunday afternoon Paintball Days at John's house 2 - 5 PM
21st - Monday Native American Nature Class at Patuxent Wildlife Refuge 10 AM - 1 PM
23rd - Wednesday Native American Nature Class at Patapsco State Park 9 AM - 12 PM
26th - Saturday Paintball Day at John's house 1 - 4 PM
27th - Sunday afternoon Paintball Days at John's house 2 - 5 PM
2nd - Saturday morning Edible & Medicinal Plants at John's house 9 AM - 12 noon
9th -Saturday morning Edible & Medicinal Plants at John's house 9 AM - 12 noon
16th - Saturday Survival Class at John's house 9 AM - 5 PM
17th - Sunday Rockfish & Perch fishing (Kent narrows) at John's house 2-7 PM
23 Saturday Tracking class, learn to recognize and track wild animals 2-5 PM
25th to 29th Coed Nature Adventure Camp meeting at John's house 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
July and August
16th to 27th Week-long Earth Brother's Warrior Camp meet at John's house 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
July 30th to August 28th Week-long Camp: John at Valley Mill Summer Camp in Montgomery County 9 AM - 4 PM

Call John, email him at: or write to John to sign up now or for more information at: 410-451-1434 or 410-440-9356.

Email John:

Directions to John's


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